Why do you have back pain during menstruation?

Menstrual cycle is a set of repeated physiological changes in the female body under the control of the sex hormone system and necessary for reproduction. In women, the typical menstrual cycle occurs every month between puberty and menopause, which leads to back pain and lower abdominal pain in some.

Most of women feel back pain on red light or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, chest tightness, some feel headache, dizziness, maybe nausea or diarrhea.
Back pain and lower abdominal pain can occur a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle as a warning sign. Even low back pain can last throughout the cycle and only stop when the period stops.
Menstrual back pain is usually low back pain, dull, uncomfortable, some people also have acute pain, severe pain. The cause of back pain is mainly due to the sudden change in the hormone Prostaglandin, which causes contractions in the body. In addition, when menstruation comes, uterine contractions to expel menstrual blood are also the cause of back pain and lower abdominal pain.
To relieve discomfort, abdominal pain, menstrual back pain can apply the following ways:
Drink plenty of water Drink ibuprofen or naproxen sodium (if your body is not allergic to aspirin or has severe asthma) . Always follow the directions and directions on the bottle for dosage. Do gentle exercise if you have back pain on a red light Apply warm water or other heat sources on the abdomen or at the waist to relieve abdominal pain, menstrual back pain.

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Các nguồn tham khảo: dieutri.vn; pharmacity.vn; medlatec.vn; vinmec.com; hellobacsi.com

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